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What is DevOps?

Nowadays, DevOps is used in many different ways and referred to differently by many people. But, the basic principle, that it combines software development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops), is undisputed.

There is a very good Article by Damon Edwards, called What is DevOps?. Go read his article to get a better understanding of the context of DevOps. In this article, Damon Edwards, explains very well the context and also the challenges. He also mentions the Wall of Confusion that sits between the two worlds.

Wall of Confusion

Figure: What is DevOps? - Wall of Confusion

This Wall of Confusion is the main thing that should be removed when adopting DevOps. But this wall plays on so many levels (processes, culture, tooling, ...), which is also the hardest part of the whole adaptation process.

So you see, the idea of DevOps is manyfold and can be quite challenging to put in place. But the theme is to bring before disconnected teams together and work side by side to overcome the challenges and differences.